[Nottingham] RasPi USB Storage

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Apr 9 09:43:42 UTC 2015

On 09/04/15 10:21, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 09/04/15 09:52, Martin wrote:
> Well...it seems the firmware lies so that you can still use your
> spanky-new SSD with XP or DOS. Yeesh.
> So "parted" etc can't really help.
> Anyhoo, this:
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning#Partition_alignment
> And this: https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Partition_Alignment#Linux
> Make sense. Start at sector 2048, go in 1MiB jumps, breathe easy.
>> Another twist is that I've long since moved to GPT partitioining
>> wherever possible so as to get away from the old style "logical"
>> partitions chaining numbers game...
> Yeah, think I'll be feeding this SSD to "GParted Live" at lunch.
> I probably could use the CLI, but am familiar with the GUI and a nice
> graphic really does help make sense of the numbers.

There's my old example on:

Howto HDD and SSD Alignment

An update to that is still in "draft"...

Since then, the defaults for all current Linux tools all do the sensible
thing. Hence, alignment and wear are not really a problem for SSDs any
more. Still though good to be aware.


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