[Nottingham] Suppliers test access

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Feb 20 11:54:07 UTC 2015

On 20/02/15 11:18, T.J long thing wrote:
> ‎Hi All,
> Just had what I think is a peculiar request my company‎ uses office 365
> and our supplier has trouble connecting their software to it (even
> though they fully support it). They've just asked for access to our
> office 365 system in order to develop against. Has any one come across
> this? Shouldn't they create they're own dev system if they're going to
> support it?

I'd agree.

Be very suspicious... What would your business suffer if they happen to
mangle anything for you? Or if they were to leave access open to all...?

Can they not work with an example 'copy' as a test/dev setup?

Good luck,

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