[Nottingham] Smearing the Leap Second?…

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 14:32:20 UTC 2016


A bit of a ramble for what I consider to be perpetuating an unholy kludge:

Smearing the Leap Second?...

... And then there is the world of fun and confusion about times in
databases... (Especially when... But then I'm sure others can comment on
that far more eloquently than my rambling... ;-) )

(OK, must rant that certain people on a certain part of our globe seem
to believe that the earth is flat and that time zones do not exist...)


One bit missing is:

So where is there a nice concise article summarizing how computer and
application time & date /should/ be robustly and reliably handled?

Go *non-leaping monotonic epoch* all the way!

Comment and article pointers welcomed.


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