[Nottingham] printer recommend for Linux?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 14:20:20 UTC 2016


Perhaps add the "friendly freedom and cooperation" of Free-Libre Open
Source Something (FLOSS) to your teachings?


Good you're now able to easily print your notes.

To post something up on the NLUG site, you're welcome to log into the
site or to send something to Jason or myself to post up. (Often works as
a good aid-memoir for when you come to rework the same task the same
time the following year!)

Hope your talk goes well,

Best wishes,

On 08/06/16 11:27, Godfrey Nix via Nottingham wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-06-08 at 08:43 +0100, Jason Irwin via Nottingham wrote:
>> On 08/06/16 08:04, Godfrey Nix wrote:
>>> I am now happy to say printing is working. Test page from printer in
>>> system settings came out in glorious colour, headed "Printer test page
>>> ubuntu".
>> Woo! Happy to have helped.
>> Now all you need to do is a blog post setting the world to rights. :-)
> Well, I am going to give a talk at a school tomorrow, about the
> different faiths in Nottingham, starting with Pagan and covering Hindu,
> Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Sikh and Bahai - where the basic
> teachings are all the same - be kind, honest, helpful to others.
> If we all did that, whatever our nationality then we would have peace on
> earth. It's not about converting people, just about living in peace,
> with respect and acceptance of others, not hatred or fear.
> If interested, see interfaithnottingham.org.uk or our Facebook page.
> {8-)
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