[Nottingham] [Talk] 7:30pm Thursday 16/06/2016: Ever Widening Adoption of Open Source Ways

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jun 13 21:51:55 UTC 2016


For a night of wild ideas that seem to be propagating ever farther and
further afield, we have:

7:30pm Thursday 16/06/2016, at our usual Canning Circus Organ Grinder:

*Ever Widening Adoption of Open Source Ways*



    Is it “OSS”, “FOSS”, “FLOSS”, “F/LOSS”, “F/L-OSS”, or “copyleft”?

    Or the complete freedom of the “commons” or the “Public Domain”?

    What do we mean by being “open” or “open source”?

    What else might be meant?

But regardless of all the surrounding jargon, does all this “openness”
stuff work? Usefully?


Come along to see and sample for yourself!

All welcome :-)


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