[Nottingham] [Social] Thursday 03/03/2016: Up a Hidden Alley
martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Mar 3 14:19:30 UTC 2016
You'll be very welcome.
Good luck for your exam.
We'll easily be able to update you for anything and everything from the
cloud and desktop right down to wobbling electrons along
nanometric-scale chip wiring. ... And for anything and everything else
for the known and unknown, real and virtual Universes :-)
Will also be good to catch up on the world of Ham Radio if you can
oblige us for some the crazy comms and networking being experimented on
Have a giggle at?
(Must remember to swot up on my compass bearings better!!! :-P )
Keep watch on the maillist...
Will look forward to meeting up,
On 02/03/16 10:43, Luke wrote:
> Just a quick note to say I'm still meaning to come along one o' these
> days - last (hopefully) Thursday at the Nunsfield Radio club this week
> for the Intermediate licence exam. If that goes well I get my Thursday's
> back and will be along for the next meet.
> Not a lot to bring to the table, but would be nice to see some different
> setups, ask folks which direction to head in next for an upgrade and do
> some tinkering in public, so to speak.
> Luke
>>> *Up a Hidden Alley*
>>> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/up-a-hidden-alley-2
>>> Usual 7:30pm, Thursday 03/03/2016
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- ║ Martin Lomas ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
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