[Nottingham] New mobile phone (Re: [Not Linux] Minor rant & picking a new provider)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed May 11 11:34:01 UTC 2016

On 11/05/16 11:49, Jason Irwin via Nottingham wrote:
> Ah-ha! "Goody bags" is where they've hidden that stuff...

Don't ya just hate all the time wasting Marketing guff and obfuscation?...

I found myself using nothing like the allocations thrown at you for
'contract' terms. PAYG works out much better for my use. There are
various sneaky gotchas to watch out for such as the mobile operators
insisting that a "month" is actually a Lunar month...

> Now to pick a new phone as well...

Anyone like to comment on something like this?:

Ubuntu Phone lineup

Meizu Mx4 Ubuntu Edition

(OK, so my 'smart' phone is also from rather long ago! ;-) )


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