[Nottingham] Single board computers.

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu May 19 11:32:16 UTC 2016


Nope, not got one, yet... ;-)

There is also a distraction with perhaps using a RasPi + FPGA
development board via GPIO...

And LOTs of other SBCs.

Or for just going bonkers hardware/parallel simulation on a GPGPU...


Is there anyone out there already playing with this sort of stuff on
Linux (or Minix, or Hurd :-) or whatever)?


On 19/05/16 08:02, Benjamin Crowe wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> How have you found the parallella? I saw the promotional video for it a
> while back.
> On 19 May 2016 12:31 a.m., "Martin via Nottingham"
> <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>>
> wrote:
>     On an alternate vector of SBCs more generally:
>     Anyone have any experience of programming the Xilinx Zync-7010 FPGA as
>     used on the Parallella[1] and MYIR MYC-C7Z010/20[2] SBCs?
>     Or any others?
>     Aside: I also stumbled across what must be the epitome of the old 1980's
>     Z80 8-bit CPU architecture now expanded to 24-bit addressing with the
>     eZ80 CPU[3]. Wow for the nostalgic world of 8-bits!
>     However, I think we should move on from such things. ARM anyone?
>     Cheers,
>     Martin
>     1:
>     https://www.parallella.org/board/
>     2:
>     http://www.myirtech.com/list.asp?id=525
>     3:
>     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zilog_eZ80
>     SBC:
>     Single Board Computer

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