[Nottingham] Warning: non-Linux post

Fluf Lagomorph fluf at freeshell.org
Wed Sep 7 15:36:40 UTC 2016

Indeed, unless the rules have changed quite substantially since we did the 
same back in 2000 (and we've also just celebrated 16 years of being 
married), then you've probably sent some serious overkill that 
will almost certainly never be fully... appreciated?

We used (paper!) letters we'd sent to one another along with plane ticket 
stubs and photographs of us together, and that was perfectly sufficient.

(That and there was no way in hell I was sending them copies 
of our ICQ logs.  If they want the makings of trashy romance novels then 
they can bloody well write their own!)

Best wishes from another US/UK couple,

-Stef (& Andy)

On Wed, 7 Sep 2016, Martin via Nottingham wrote:

> Deary deary me... That's more like a Petition!
> Hope your great work is suitably protected under the GPL or other so
> that others may learn and enhance and develop the Human race onwards!
> :-P
> More seriously... That required divulgement is rather seriously intrusive.
> Cue XKCD:
> https://xkcd.com/257/
> Hope you've run it through a Barbara Woodhouse BBC bleep-box!!
> (Cue all immigration coming to a standstill as the officials suffer a
> melee of giggles huddled around Daryl's IM memories...)
> Good luck for your both :-)
> Partying soon, yeah! ;-)
> Cheers,
> Martin
> (Aside: Was not the use of Facebook a clever ploy to subvert the USA at
> their own game? ... A sort of reverse-cyber 'probe'??... ;-) )
> On 07/09/16 07:40, Daryl via Nottingham wrote:
>> It was Facebook messenger - and I appreciate that Martin would not
>> approve! However, in some ways I am glad. The fact that FB store so much
>> information was useful in this case. Without this history things would
>> have been much more difficult to prove.
>> On 7 Sep 2016 07:28, "Neal Ponton via Nottingham"
>> <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>>
>> wrote:
>>     I had misread that. I see now that you already did it. Doh!
>>     I hope you proof-read it before sending in!
>>     7. Sep 2016 07:23 by nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>     <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>:
>>         Some in the group may know I spend a lot of time on my phone
>>         talking to my American girlfriend (I try at the socials to not
>>         be rude and actually put my phone down). I needed to create a
>>         PDF of my IM history for immigration reasons.
>>         3221 pages of A4. I'm rather impressed with that!
>>         I should point out that I put it on a USB stick and did NOT
>>         print it out!
> -- 
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