[Nottingham] Warning: non-Linux post

Daryl daryljdudey at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 16:58:47 UTC 2016

The rules have been repeatedly tightened up. The financial and proof of
relationship requirements are very stringent now. The Conservatives are to
blame for a lot of this.

I have to supply 12 months bank statements and payslips. In addition to
many bills, mortgage statement, council tax bill, children's birth
certificates, my divorce papers. In addition a letter from my employer. I
have paid £105 for a housing report despite my owned home being a new 4
build that ONLY I live in full time.

On top of that is flight tickets, a relationship timeline and around 50
photos of us. Oh, and greeting cards, telephone and IM logs. Yes...and
proof of wedding including photos and bills.

A copy of my passport and a couple of things I am sure I have forgotten.

The whole thing is costing me £2500 which lasts 2.5 years and then I need
to pay another £1800 to renew for another 2.5 years until she can apply to
stay permanently.

Who would have thought this was my right as a British citizen?

On 7 Sep 2016 16:36, "Fluf Lagomorph via Nottingham" <
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> Indeed, unless the rules have changed quite substantially since we did the
> same back in 2000 (and we've also just celebrated 16 years of being
> married), then you've probably sent some serious overkill that will almost
> certainly never be fully... appreciated?
> We used (paper!) letters we'd sent to one another along with plane ticket
> stubs and photographs of us together, and that was perfectly sufficient.
> (That and there was no way in hell I was sending them copies of our ICQ
> logs.  If they want the makings of trashy romance novels then they can
> bloody well write their own!)
> Best wishes from another US/UK couple,
> -Stef (& Andy)
> On Wed, 7 Sep 2016, Martin via Nottingham wrote:
> Deary deary me... That's more like a Petition!
>> Hope your great work is suitably protected under the GPL or other so
>> that others may learn and enhance and develop the Human race onwards!
>> :-P
>> More seriously... That required divulgement is rather seriously intrusive.
>> Cue XKCD:
>> https://xkcd.com/257/
>> Hope you've run it through a Barbara Woodhouse BBC bleep-box!!
>> (Cue all immigration coming to a standstill as the officials suffer a
>> melee of giggles huddled around Daryl's IM memories...)
>> Good luck for your both :-)
>> Partying soon, yeah! ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
>> (Aside: Was not the use of Facebook a clever ploy to subvert the USA at
>> their own game? ... A sort of reverse-cyber 'probe'??... ;-) )
>> On 07/09/16 07:40, Daryl via Nottingham wrote:
>>> It was Facebook messenger - and I appreciate that Martin would not
>>> approve! However, in some ways I am glad. The fact that FB store so much
>>> information was useful in this case. Without this history things would
>>> have been much more difficult to prove.
>>> On 7 Sep 2016 07:28, "Neal Ponton via Nottingham"
>>> <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>>
>>> wrote:
>>>     I had misread that. I see now that you already did it. Doh!
>>>     I hope you proof-read it before sending in!
>>>     7. Sep 2016 07:23 by nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>>     <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>:
>>>         Some in the group may know I spend a lot of time on my phone
>>>         talking to my American girlfriend (I try at the socials to not
>>>         be rude and actually put my phone down). I needed to create a
>>>         PDF of my IM history for immigration reasons.
>>>         3221 pages of A4. I'm rather impressed with that!
>>>         I should point out that I put it on a USB stick and did NOT
>>>         print it out!
>> --
>> - ╔═══════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════════╗
>> - ║   Martin Lomas    ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
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>> - ║ ----------------- ║ http:// ml1 .co .uk/martin_ml1_co_uk.gpg ║
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