[Nottingham] Slow mouse with high CPU

Daryl daryljdudey at gmail.com
Thu May 17 10:03:53 UTC 2018

Thanks Martin/Jason - I did some more googling and can confirm it seems
lots of people having issues across different OSs. I run a wired keyboard
because of grumbly issues (batteries/interference). I also had a rather
expensive Macbook Pro which wouldn't run WiFi reliably at 2.4GHz if the
Bluetooth was used and 5GHz needed to be used instead :-(

I'm old fashioned, wired stuff is just easier (and I'm blessed with 10 USB
sockets on this machine so plenty of space to plug stuff in) so I think I'm
going to order a new mouse. The M500 seems equivalent to what I have.

Martin: I had a ton of issues with a WiFi network once, some sort of
interference was killing the signal quality in the back rooms. I ended up
going for the Powerline stuff to get around this (and still use it) but I
suspect some electrical "thing" was giving out tons of RF interference!!


On 17 May 2018 at 09:59, Martin via Nottingham <
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> Daryl,
> Good going on the transition to 100% GNU/Linix :-)
> On 17/05/18 09:22, Daryl via Nottingham wrote:
> > I'm several months in of 100% Linux usage for work and play and it's all
> > working great. I've solved many little problems to get it all working as
> > I like but one thing is beating me so far.
> >
> > When I have high CPU (one or more of the 8 cores running near max) my
> > mouse movement slows right down and then speeds up again when it's over.
> > However due to my workload I end up with unreliable movement.
> A "busy-wait" on the mouse driver?
> Or a noisy signal input causing the cursor to continuously jitter and so
> max out an Xwin thread?...
> > It's a Logitech Anywhere MX wireless mouse, the one with the dongle and
> > not bluetooth. It's a new machine and I didn't experience this when I
> > ran Windows. I suspect that the USB ports are not being polled or
> > responding to interrupts or events.
> For elimination/fix, try:
> Cleaning the mouse?!
> Try the mouse on a different surface?
> In case of radio interference:
> Move your mobile phone (and any other radio devices) over to the other
> side of the room? (Or turn them completely OFF?)
> Turn off any WiFi/Bluetooth you may also (inadvertently) have on?
> (Including the Bluetooth headphones you're bopping away to? :-P )
> Try a new mouse? (Those dongly things are RF abhorrent antiques! :-P )
> Is your other half back home and blitzing the entire spectrum Texan
> "Dukes of Hazard"-style?! :-P
> > Anyway, I'm coming along tonight but thought I would post it here first
> > in case there are any bright ideas!
> Will be good to see you.
> Aside:
> There's a good story for how at the Parkes or Arecibo(?) radio telescope
> they were trying to track down strange alien signals that were picked up
> on occasion. In true scientific style, the occurrences were
> statistically mapped and showed very confusing astronomical positions.
> They finally noticed a correlation with human canteen breaks and found a
> leaky microwave oven...
> See ya later,
> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
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> Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
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