[Nottingham] Non-Zoom - Re: [Talk] *Tomorrow* Thursday 7:30pm 26/03/2020: Going Virtual!
vadim at mankevich.co.uk
Sat Apr 4 15:20:17 UTC 2020
It's all Microsoft's fault. It mismanaged Skype so that Zoom which was never designed to be a critical piece of software suddenly came under so much scrutiny and expectations.
Jitsi meet with a dial-in as was used by the group obviously was not end-to-end encrypted and really worked well only when using proprietary browsers... iOS app worked flawlessly, by the way :)
On April 4, 2020 2:47:35 PM UTC, Martin via Nottingham <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>... And to add a few more nails into the Zoom coffin:
>Zoom 'unsuitable' for government secrets, researchers say
>... found that Zoom was using a non-standard type of encryption, and
>transmitting information through China...
>... found that Zoom sends traffic to China - even when all the people
>a Zoom meeting are outside of China. "During multiple test calls in
>North America, we observed keys for encrypting and decrypting meetings
>transmitted to servers in Beijing, China,"...
>... Zoom has "rolled their own" encryption - using a variant of
>something called AES-128 in "ECB mode". Among security researchers, ECB
>mode "is well understood to be a bad idea", because it preserves some
>the patterns of the original [easing breaking the encryption]...
>... [And] it uses "transport" encryption between devices and [Zoom's]
>servers [not unbroken end-to-end encryption]...
>... Zoom clarified its encryption policy on 1 April, apologising for
>incorrectly suggesting that meetings were capable of end-to-end
>... Prof Woodward added: "I would not use Zoom for any sensitive or
>secret discussions."
>Really, Zoom 'promises' to 'do better' amusingly announcing that on the
>1st of April?!
>To my personal view, all overly overtly suspicious!
>Stay safe folks!
>On 03/04/2020 19:34, Martin via Nottingham wrote:
>> On 26/03/2020 16:44, J J via Nottingham wrote:
>>> at least it's not Zoom, Skype or something.
>> ... And here's an example of why we didn't use those:
>> Zoom boss apologises for security issues and promises fixes...
>> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52133349
>> Zoom vows to spend next 90 days thinking hard about its security and
>> privacy after rough week...
>> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/04/03/zoom_security_improvements/
>> And beware whatever 'fixes' you might wish for... As a user you get
>> whatever you are given... User beware?
>> Stay safe folks!
>> Martin
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>Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
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