[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* 8:30pm Thursday 23/07/2020: Tracking the Tracking...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Jul 23 15:27:12 UTC 2020


Staying virtual until we evolve onwards around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and
the resultant COVID-19...

(See: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus )

NLUG continues socially online!

*TODAY* 8:30pm (BST) Thursday 23/07/2020 (That's 7:30pm _GMT_  )


After introductions we have an exploration into:

*Tracking the Tracking*

Or... Whatever happened to the Coronavirus tracking apps... ??

Good or bad? Definitely lots to discuss...

And really? The pandemic is over and done??

Thence, back to the here on earth, merrily in our cyberworld, we need no
excuse for us to later catch up with what the group has been doing.

Have your beverages to hand, and lets party!

See y'all online.

All welcome

Stay safe!

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