[Phpwm] First meet - Thu May 11th, Birmingham

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Mon Apr 3 11:52:43 BST 2006

> So, the floor is open for what we do at the meeting. It would be good
> to have a couple of talks about cool PHP related shennanigans. Anyone
> want to volunteer?

Right, although I'm probably quite boring to listen to etc. I (or Kat, 
the wife, who is capable of strining words together) would probably be 
willing to talk about :

- SimpleTest / Unit Testing PHP 
- Smarty (Templating)

I'd be interested in any of the following :

- PDO (Why should I bother, am I a luddite for using PEAR::DB?)
- PHP6 
- Frameworks that make my life easier (cake, propel, etc)
- ZendFramework (has anyone used it yet? Parts look interesting, but I'm
  not too eager to use something that may drastically change in the near
future). InputFilter is perhaps useful.

In case no one is aware, there is a php podcast (http://www.phparch.com/
/  http://podcast.phparch.com/main/index.php/main ) which may be of some


David Goodwin 

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]
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