[Phpwm] First meet - Thu May 11th, Birmingham

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Mon Apr 3 12:09:59 BST 2006

David Goodwin wrote:
> I'd be interested in any of the following :
> - PDO (Why should I bother, am I a luddite for using PEAR::DB?)
> - PHP6 
> - Frameworks that make my life easier (cake, propel, etc)
> - ZendFramework (has anyone used it yet? Parts look interesting, but I'm
>   not too eager to use something that may drastically change in the near
> future). InputFilter is perhaps useful.

Whilst May is too soon, I'm playing with ZendFramework with a view to
migrating to it end of the year/early next year. Assuming I screw up the
courage, I might even be prepared to talk about it at a future meeting.

>From what I can see so far, PHP6 may as well be PHP5.5 - but that's cos
I know nothing about unicode :)



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