[Phpwm] Request for talks for the first PHPWM meeting on 11th May

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Wed Apr 26 19:08:57 BST 2006

On 4/26/06, Kev <php at beachboy.co.uk> wrote:

> Rayhan made a tentative step, he may have even been persuaded that he should
> step forward and give a talk. However, the response he got from a member of
> this group was to say the least discouraging. He, like many of us, will be
> thinking about what sort of response we would get, if we were to volunteer.

It's the first I've heard from you on the list.  I supported Rayhan by
showing him his posting style might not be the best for a mailing
list.  He took the advice in the manner it was indended.

May I suggest you also keep your thoughts to yourself unless you have
something positive to offer.  I offered a postive step and all I have
got from you is crap.

Steve 'sparkes' Parkes - tshirts http://nerd.ws - code http://zx-81.com
   Autistic LUG http://autisticlug.org - blog http://sp.arkes.co.uk

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