[Phpwm] Re: Phpwm Digest, Vol 29, Issue 3

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Fri Aug 11 14:53:58 BST 2006

On 8/11/06, Dave Holmes <Dave at neteffekt.co.uk> wrote:
> Having a pool of skilled resource that can be relied upon to deliver
> quality
> would be a big bonus, I know there are sites and services such as
> freelancers.net etc,

 Freelancers.net is probably the only freelance site worth bothering with
for php developers.  Last time I did any serious freelancing I had a lot of
good quality work through the site and more importantly the mailing list.  I
don't know what it's like these days but for those of you actively seeking
freelance contracts or looking to network with other developers and
designers (some very talented designers on the list) I would recommend
dropping by and signing up for the mailing list.  Some good chat and lots of
on topic web stuff on there.


Steve 'sparkes' Parkes - tshirts http://nerd.ws - code http://zx-81.com
   Autistic LUG http://autisticlug.org - blog http://sp.arkes.co.uk
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