[Phpwm] wiki?

Marcus Baker marcus at lastcraft.com
Tue Aug 22 15:24:32 BST 2006


Alan Pope wrote:
> I agree with Tony. A well configured wiki can be spam free. 

Sorry chaps, but from my own experience on a couple of wikis, you
haven't got a hope.

Sometimes the PHPLondon spam gets so bad, the ISP thinks we are under a
denial of service attack and shuts our site down anyway. I get 3000
attacks per day against my blog alone (I've had to disable comments) and
that's a lot less popular.

Expect some maintenance, probably half an hour per week, and agree to
share it.

> I'd like to see at least an effort made to make a spam protected wiki rather
> than just cave and close the wiki off.

PHPLondon started a SF project to write one that actually bites back.
Because we were also using it for our CodeFest tutorials, it ground to a
halt when they did. As we have a mutual interest, or will have, once
you've had a go at a popular wiki ;), maybe we can put a team together
to code it.

> Cheers,
> Al.

yours, Marcus
Marcus Baker
marcus at lastcraft.com

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