[Phpwm] CVS

Elliot Smith elliot at townx.org
Wed Feb 15 17:18:04 GMT 2006

Hello all,

I would like to endorse the use of Subversion. It's a great tool, a bit 
tricky to get started with, but well worth the effort. I use it for 
projects where I am the only developer, as it makes it easy to roll back 
to a working version if I screw up. The book Ben mentioned 
(http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) is really handy and free.

I have used Subversion recently to track sample code for a training 
course: I wrote one "branch" of code, then tagged it at each stage of 
development. When I extract these tagged versions from the repository, I 
get a "history" of my code as I added functionality, which I can give to 
trainees for example purposes. This is just one example of how powerful 
it is. It's also much easier to move stuff around and rename it in 
Subversion than in CVS; and Subversion is designed with modern protocols 
like HTTP and WebDAV in mind, so it's easy to integrate with other tools.

I also use Eclipse with the Subclipse plugin (for Ruby and PHP 
development), which is a bit buggy in places but works OK mostly.

I've also just started with Trac, which seems really good.


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