[Phpwm] Gmail Talk

Iain Wallace iain at strawp.net
Tue Feb 21 17:15:46 GMT 2006

You've probably all seen and used the new integrated chat feature in Gmail
by now, but if you haven't it's basically Google Talk embedded AJAX-style
into your GMail window. It's impressive stuff. One of the things that
makes it so impressive is how it can update the chat window without
(apparently) re-polling a server for an update. You get the "user is
typing..." message sent to you as you would on MSN in realtime and
messages come the moment they're sent.

Can anyone explain, or does anyone have links to articles explaining how
that works? It's just a bit too cool.

I've run Ethereal whilst chatting and I'm looking at the packets going
back and forth now, but I'm not seeing anything obvious yet.


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