[Phpwm] Gmail Talk

Iain Wallace iain at strawp.net
Wed Feb 22 12:08:43 GMT 2006

> On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:37:10 -0000 (GMT)
> "Iain Wallace" <iain at strawp.net> wrote:
>> What was with the 8 hour delay between my post and reaching the list?
>> I thought we'd sorted that!
>> >> Can anyone explain, or does anyone have links to articles
>> >> explaining how that works? It's just a bit too cool.
>> >
>> > Ajax is <snip>
>> I know what AJAX is, sparkes - that wasn't my question. As I said in
>> the AJAX thread from the day before I've used it on a couple of apps
>> before now.
> you obviously don't given your next question ;-)
>> The "new" thing is, GMail Talk actually *receives* data
>> on time - it doesn't request data on events like key presses or time
>> outs.
> I can't be arsed to hold your hand when you ask basic questions and
> then get arsey when you get a basic answer.  The question you asked was
> pretty much a 'what is ajax and how does it work' question the question
> you really wanted to ask was 'what is http and how does it work'
> perhaps a read of http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> will help you with basic quesioning on technical subjects.
> RTFM rfc2616 has the answers to the questions you need or
> alternatively you could read my post before you respond telling me I
> didn't answer your question. It's piss easy stuff that servers have been
> doing for years and if you don't know this don't play the big I am when
> people answer the question you asked.
> sparkes

Handbags, mate. Take it easy, it's only a mailing list. I'm not going to
get into a petty discussion that seems to have come out of nowhere on what
my question was. We're supposed to be discussing how cool Gmail Talk is -
hence the thread title.


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