[Phpwm] CVS or Subversion?

David Johnson dj at david-web.co.uk
Mon Feb 27 11:39:41 GMT 2006

On Monday 27 February 2006 10:12, David Goodwin wrote:
> Right, fully armed from a subversion talk at FOSDEM, how about :

I was at the talk too and you forgot one of the main disadvantages ;-)

SVN stores two copies of everything on the local machine (so it can tell what 
you've changed since you checked out and only send the diffs). So if you 
checkout 100MB of code, it takes up 200MB.

But I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in any case. As others 
have said, if you're already using CVS and you don't have any issues with it, 
I'd stick with it, but for new repositories go with SVN.


David Johnson
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