[Phpwm] How to create a page on a server from a browser

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Tue May 2 10:52:35 BST 2006

> Phil Beynon wrote:
> > There are quite a few other bits you need to look at replacing
> as well, most
> > notably quotes as these will cause some 'interesting' things to
> happen if
> > you try and store the page in a database record.
> > You can use ereg_replace to do this; $myvariable =
> > ereg_replace("'","'",$myvariable);
> For putting things into the database, you should use the database
> specific escaping. i.e. for mysql, use mysql_real_escape_string().

That's useful! I must have missed that command being included.
I've been hardcoding a lot of that


Phil Beynon
Sales director

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