[Phpwm] Unit testing in PHP

Jon Ramsey jonathon.ramsey at gmail.com
Fri May 5 13:05:43 BST 2006


On 5/5/06, Jujhar Singh (Medilink West Midlands)
<jujhar at medilinkwm.co.uk> wrote:
> does anybody unit test their php applications?

Yes, it saves a lot of time and hair-pulling :)

> I'm using PHPeclipse, is there any way I can integrate Unit testing into
> my IDE?

There is an eclipse plugin for Simpletest - but I've never used it
myself so I don't know what it's like.


Simpletest is an alternative to PHPUnit. As well as unit testing it
also provides a browser testing component which is very useful for
acceptance testing.



Jon Ramsey

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