[Phpwm] PHP4 Upgrade Help Needed!

Peter Graham Peter.Graham at tcat.ac.uk
Mon May 15 09:33:08 BST 2006


I think you having giving me my "selling point" for upgrading to PHP5,
from my experience management types love charts and graphs.

I was being asked about a month ago if I could produce charts showing
Intranet statistics and drive usage, I was considering using Crystal
Reports but think I may handcode it in PHP instead. Have you got any
good examples/tutorials for auto-generating charts/reports using PHP?


-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Colin Taylor
Sent: 12 May 2006 20:54
To: phpwm at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Phpwm] PHP4 Upgrade Help Needed!

You could add the graphics generating capabilities of PHP5 to the list.
I have had great fun creating charts on the fly using data from
Might sway the powers that be.
Just my 2 penoth!

On Friday 12 May 2006 15:26, Rob Allen wrote:
> pete graham wrote:
> > I am trying to persuade my people at work (namely my boss) that we 
> > should upgrade our servers from PHP4 to PHP5.
> >
> > Although I know they are many very good technical reasons for 
> > upgrading that seem obvious to programmers I am finding it's a quite

> > difficult convincing management types that it needs doing.
> The only way to convince management types if it results in a cost 
> saving usually via faster development or less bugs to fix..
> > When is PHP4 support finishing? I thought I could use this as part 
> > of a convincing argument.
> I think PHP4 will be supported for quite a while yet.
> > Are they any major security issues that have been fixed in php5?
> No.
> > Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
> The main advantages of PHP5.1 over PHP4 are:
> 1. Much improved Object Model
> 	* reference handling
> 	* access modifiers
> 	* interfaces
> 	* abstract classes/methods
> 	* class constants
> 	* static methods
> 2. PDO (fast db abstraction)
> 3. SimpleXML (easier XML)
> 4. Exceptions (different error handling :) )
> If you don't need those, then there's not a lot of point in upgrading.
> Personally, I think that the improved Object Model makes it a must 
> have upgrade.
> Regards,
> Rob...
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