[Phpwm] PHP|Tek leftovers

Marcus Baker marcus at lastcraft.com
Sat May 20 17:06:42 BST 2006


I did a couple of talks at PHP|Tek, both of which were pretty well
received. I'd like to video podcast them, but PHP|Tek couldn't get
together an audio recording. This leads me in need of venues to deliver
those talks again.

Would the West Midland PHP'ers be interesting in hosting one or both
talks? The titles are...

"The OO sound barrier": The confusion when encountering objects, both
individually and within the wider community, and what we should do about it.

"Is agile right for you?": A pretty advanced talk on project management.
 The different methodology angles are explained and a sense making
framework (yer' what?) is applied to determine their applicability.

Both are about 50 minutes and the second one is a little interactive.

If anyone is interested, I'd need a pretty reasonable audio track
(preferably a canceling or stereo mike) and someone would have to
organise a B&B or something (don't worry, I'll pay).

Would this be of interest?

yours, Marcus
Marcus Baker
marcus at lastcraft.com

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