[Phpwm] PHP|Tek leftovers

Ian Munday ian.munday at illumen.co.uk
Sat May 20 18:24:02 BST 2006

On 20 May 2006, at 17:10, Marcus Baker wrote:

> Hi...
> I did a couple of talks at PHP|Tek, both of which were pretty well
> received. I'd like to video podcast them, but PHP|Tek couldn't get
> together an audio recording. This leads me in need of venues to  
> deliver
> those talks again.
> Would the West Midland PHP'ers be interesting in hosting one or both
> talks? The titles are...
> "The OO sound barrier": The confusion when encountering objects, both
> individually and within the wider community, and what we should do  
> about it.
> "Is agile right for you?": A pretty advanced talk on project  
> management.
>  The different methodology angles are explained and a sense making
> framework (yer' what?) is applied to determine their applicability.
> Both are about 50 minutes and the second one is a little interactive.
> If anyone is interested, I'd need a pretty reasonable audio track
> (preferably a canceling or stereo mike) and someone would have to
> organise a B&B or something (don't worry, I'll pay).
> Would this be of interest?

Both of these would be of interest to me, and following on from the  
recent PHPWM meeting at OpenAdvantage can I suggest that would be an  
ideal venue(?)  Perhaps July / August(?)

I've no idea about how to go about recording the talks though...


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