[Phpwm] Re: My New Project

Colin Taylor colin.taylor at btclick.com
Sat Oct 28 11:15:54 BST 2006

> Is there anyone on here who isn't developing their own CMS in some from or
> another? Either from the viewpoint of actual coding or thinking about
> trying / doing it?
> It seems that most of us are actually developing essentially the same thing
> in parallel right now.

Sorry to disappoint Phil, but I am not currently working on a PHP CMS system.
I am actually playing around writting a Calculator App for PHP.
Desperately trying to remember the maths I knew about 15 years ago!

Maybe I should be thinking about writting a CMS system?

From my point of view and after recent comments, would it not make more sense 
for the group to work together on a single "PHPWM CMS" system?
Instead of everyone writting the same code and solving the same problems.

Just my thoughts,

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