[Phpwm] hey guys and girls

Kriss Watt kriss.watt at senokian.com
Fri Sep 1 12:20:36 BST 2006

Hi Lewis,

I haven't really introduced myself to the list yet either, so guess I'll 
follow in your footsteps. My name is Kriss Watt and I'm currently 
working as a PHP developer at Senokian Solutions with various cronies 
and one rather happy dog. I live on my own in Coventry and usually spend 
my my spare time playing games (Gamecube games, World of Warcraft, 
various other PC games), visiting friends and family, playing my guitar, 
or reading (mainly fantasy novels). I also like going to gigs and a bit 
of table top roleplay (old World of Darkness is my favoutite system, for 
those who care!) but I don't get much of a chance to do either these 
days. I think it's great to see someone so young teaching themselves 
something like PHP. I think I could just about manage to knock out an 
awful website in Frontpage and understand the HTML when I was 15, so 
you're way ahead of me! I'm quite an rpg fan (both table top and a 
myriad of games over the years) and would be quite interested to take a 
look at this "network of rpgs" you boast :)


Lewis Turner wrote:
> hey,
> well i would just like to introduce myself my name is lewis turner and 
> im new to this mailing list thing and im 15 and code html, php, mysql, 
> css and also am very good at drawing with flash (mainly static images 
> and templates). i have been coding for about 1 year now but am still 
> not that good at it (would rate myself 3 out of 10). the way ive 
> taught myself is firstly to buy the books then to watch the video 
> tutorials and now im looking at the ebooks and php bibles and 
> generally other peoples code (preferably proffesional well formatted 
> code though :P)
> anyway i own a network of rpg's (role playing games) which are all 
> text based and some brought some free and some i made myself from 
> scratch but all have been adapted by me to improve there user 
> freindlyness and add extra cool additions.
> anyway i thought i would just say hello and i think im the westmidland 
> youngest coder :P
> cheers
> lewis turner

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