[Phpwm] As we're doing introductions...

Jon Spriggs jon at spriggs.org.uk
Fri Sep 1 16:13:58 BST 2006

Oh, OK then :) I can't remember whether I introduced myself when I joined
the list or not...

I'm Jon Spriggs - a Server Support guy working for an International IT
company in Manchester (but harking from Greater London originally).

I'll be honest and admit I'm unlikely to attend a meeting, but I like
reading the threads that pop-up on here, and so unless I'm asked to leave I
probably won't LOL

I'm very into my FLOSS - especially Linux - I've only got one Windows
machine now - and that's my work-provided laptop - even my router is a
Linksys WRT54G with the OpenWRT firmware loaded (and a FON WRT54G next to
it)! I did succumb to a mobile phone loaded with Microsoft Windows Mobile
edition a while back, but I don't know if that counts or not!

Professionally, I only ever support windows machines, although I've started
to subvert them by starting an in-house Linux Users Group (the only one in
the company) and have been introducing my collegues to fun projects like
using OpenSSH for Windows in staging servers and tunnelling proxies (or
rather - how to stop the latter).

I've written the beginnings of a Telnet based Daemon in PHP for controlling
my MP3 player - the hard way!, and a networking monitoring application in
PHP, which are both on Sourceforge (PlayMyMP3 and NHTAM respectively), but
at home I've also got some SOAP bits I'm working on, a ticketing system for
an overworked admin friend of mine and a few scripts to monitor my finances
(my personal phone is a  Windows Mobile Phone which my work have cunningly
provided me with the relevant software to program for it) and my fitness
regiem (or lack of it!) - all of which are in PHP (except the thing for my
phone, which will probably be in VB.NET). I've also started writing training
courses for my collegues on how to get more out of their Office Productivity
Suite (so named because I also refer to OOo and Google's Office Products in
there) which is hosted in Moodle, and I've just loaded PMWiki on my home
server as my Personal Web Page... at some point, I might even point my
domain name at it! LOL

So, yehr. I'm Jon.

It's nice to meet you all.


On 01/09/06, Jonathan Adjei <jadjei at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Ooo me too, me too!
> I came to the first meet up but haven't got round to contributing to the
> list much. I'm based in Coventry and have been freelancing for the past
> 7,8
> years. I started out mostly into graphics, specialising in 3D modelling
> and
> animation. However the demand for web development has led me further and
> further down this path to the point where it's almost all I do now.
> I manage a few dedicated servers as well and my geek badge became firmly
> pinned after succesfully building a mythtv box for our family
> mediatainment
> last year.
> I'm married with 2 young kids and 3 old VWs.
> My technology blog .. http://adjei.co.uk/
> And my neglected business site .. http://agog.adjei.co.uk/
> Hello everybody,
> jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
> [mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Marc Gale
> Sent: 01 September 2006 14:33
> To: West Midlands PHP User Group
> Subject: [Phpwm] As we're doing introductions...
> Hi Folks,
> It seems that we're in the middle of a round of introductions so I may as
> well leap onto the band wagon.
> I have been programming for ... quite a while now ... unfortunately it's
> nearly all self taught.
> I've tried assorted methods of learning, ranging from working it out
> myself,
> reading other peoples obfuscated code, reading books, following online
> tutorials, attending courses (when available), through to 'Kerplunking'
> with
> working code (change something to make it break and therefore learn what
> that piece of code actually did).
> However, I've always found that talking to someone who already has the
> knowledge works wonders.  It's just a shame that it's not the easiest one
> to
> follow as you actually have to find someone.  I'm hoping that this list
> will
> support that method.
> I've programmed in assorted languages ranging from BASIC (Assorted
> versions
> including the Sinclair computers and the PS2 Yabasic), Assembler (mainly
> 6502 but a chunk of Gameboy Z80), C (whilst building a MUD), Pascal (part
> of
> a course which I then went on to teach), JAVA, Javascript, and now PHP
> which
> I'm enjoying immensely.
> I've always tried to understand what and how I should code something,
> because then I find that all I have to do is follow the syntax and rules
> of
> whichever language I'm using to achieve the desired result.
> I'm also a huge fan of fantasy and games.  If I can do both at the same
> time, even better.
> Marc
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
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