[Phpwm] Simple question from a beginner

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed Sep 6 01:29:11 BST 2006

> > My question: I have a simple phpmail script as part of a
> feedback form.  I keep getting spam email to my webmaster email
> address. I have removed all links on the website to this email
> address, so the only source I could think of is from the phpmail
> script. Any suggestions on how I can stop unsolicited emails? The
> spam emails don't use the form.
> >
> I'm not sure how this is a PHP question; but nevertheless...

If it educates just one person that using poorly written exploitable scripts
is a bad thing then its meritable and worth an answer and assistance.
That person will then hopefully learn from the experience and write their
own future code in a non exploitable way.

Spammers only exist anonymously by being able to exploit and steal the
internet resources of others, be that scripts, security holes, badly patched
or configured servers or whatever.
Since no one outside the genuine internet community really gives two hoots
about the problem, be that law enforcement or politicians, a question like
this should be able to be asked, and hopefully answered, on any user group
forum, more so when the person has stated they are a beginner and may not be
fully aware of the long term ramifications of potentially exploitable code
they write or download and use.


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