[Phpwm] [Fwd: PHP developer - lead role - read on!!]

Richard Hayes ricky at domainarena.net
Wed Jan 24 07:57:17 GMT 2007

>> It's merely the going Rate these days for professional PHP
>> developers with a
>> good solid commercial background, particularly if they have experience in
>> running projects. I would also suggest they are probably looking
>> for someone
>> with a software development background with the relevant qualifications.


That's quite an eye opener!

I'm a PHP developer, been out of Uni for 7 months or so in the commerical 
world (and I've learnt more in those 7 months that I have in the entire time 
spent at uni I might add, but that's another thread).

And I'm on 16k!!

Any ideas what the goin rate is for Juniors?

-- Ricky. 

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