[Phpwm] drupal registration question

David Green david.green at avsco.com
Fri Jan 26 11:33:43 GMT 2007

pete graham wrote:
> I'm also using drupal 4.7, from what I can tell the email address set in
> administer > settings > general is the "from address" for emails sent 
> from
> the site.
> The only other place I can find to set an email address is in My Account.
> Does anyone know where in the DB the admin email address is stored? If I
> can't get this sorted I might have a hack about with the files on my 
> local
> copy to see if I can get to the bottom of what's happening.
Hi pete - sorry that didn't help, I'm not sure where the email address 
is stored in the DB but I've just had a look in the modules/user.module 
file and it looks like the code that does the email sending after 
registration is around line 1292.  Maybe you could echo out some of the 
settings from here to help see whats going on??  Hope that helps a bit.

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