[Phpwm] drupal registration question

Elliot Smith elliot at townx.org
Fri Jan 26 11:44:05 GMT 2007

David Green wrote:
> pete graham wrote:
>> I'm also using drupal 4.7, from what I can tell the email address set in
>> administer > settings > general is the "from address" for emails sent 
>> from
>> the site.
>> The only other place I can find to set an email address is in My 
>> Account.
>> Does anyone know where in the DB the admin email address is stored? If I
>> can't get this sorted I might have a hack about with the files on my 
>> local
>> copy to see if I can get to the bottom of what's happening.
> Hi pete - sorry that didn't help, I'm not sure where the email address 
> is stored in the DB but I've just had a look in the 
> modules/user.module file and it looks like the code that does the 
> email sending after registration is around line 1292.  Maybe you could 
> echo out some of the settings from here to help see whats going on??  
> Hope that helps a bit.
On Linux, setting the email address in adminster > general > settings 
sets the email address correctly on new user notifications. However, 
there is a PHP setting for the default email "from" address on Windows 
(sendmail_from), which I think defaults to me at localhost.com (is this 
what yours is?). If you're on Windows, this could be the setting you 
need to change.

Just a few thoughts. Not sure myself, as emailing from PHP has always 
struck me as a bit of a mess, and I've had similar problems myself in 
the past.

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