[Phpwm] Do we really need another open source licence?

Peter Crouch pccrouch at bcs.org.uk
Wed Jul 18 22:24:02 BST 2007


Some of you who are members of the BCS may have already seen this notice 
of a meeting next week in London being organised by the BCS Open Source 
Specialist Group.

Proposal to create a BCS open source licence - 24 July, London - 18.00 
for 18.30

There is already one comment posted querying the need for another licence!

If you are into this sort of thing then here is an opportunity for you 
to have your say.  I may see you there.

Best wishes,

Peter Crouch
Tel:    0121 523 6756
E-mail: pccrouch at bcs.org.uk

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