[Phpwm] .hta files

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Thu Mar 8 00:17:27 GMT 2007

> Hi,
> I was given a list of files the other day and instructed to
> investigate....
> Basically, it's a pretty looking app, DHTML intensive, which
> allows a user
> to go through what is primarily a help based Q&A system to drill
> down to the
> answer. The answer was the data i needed to get out to use in my own app.
> Anyway, it worked fine on my Windows desktop locally, however, when I
> uploaded it onto the Web server, it fell to bits!
> I discovered the core of the app was calling a .hta file, which I
> have now
> found out is only windows compliant!
> Has anybody managed to get such files runing in a LAMP
> environment? Would it
> run under IIS? (*>shudders at the thought)
> Thanks,
> Sukh

Hi Sukh,

They are just another bit of Microsoft non standard guff, and they only work
in IE properly so if you are using them as web based bits then they will
often have cross browser issues.

If you have a look as to whats inside the .hta then you should be able to
replicate what it does as either CSS or just plain HTML with a bit of



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