[Phpwm] [OT] Recruitment companies again!

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Tue Mar 20 14:01:13 GMT 2007

>> > Nope..didnt find that funny at all.  I personally have been trying to
>> > become W3C compliant myself.  I have finally achieved properly 
>> formatted
>> > body tags, but I think my head tags are still messed up…..for some
>> > reason I keep losing my mind.  Must be my meta tags are all whacked 
>> out.
> I think phil was remarking on the fact that someone could be "W3C 
> compliant"
> as opposed to the code they write being W3C complient.
> I personally can't say I fould it that humerous.

Perhaps we need to add <sarcasm> tags to the w3c standard?


David Goodwin

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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