[Phpwm] Cron.monthly

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 12:34:59 GMT 2007

> I have a question or three regarding cron:
> On debian, am I right in thinking that in order to run a php script every
> month, I just copy the file into the cron.monthly folder? ( I'll
> stick with
> the global date/time settings for now.)
> Are there any naming conventions apart from the fact it has to be
> lowercase?
> Also if I want to run the file in the cron.monthly folder to test
> it, what
> would I type?
> Thanks,
> Chris.

Hi Chris
You can execute it as a script from a file in cron.monthly, but the most
user friendy way is to enter and configure it via crontab-e
http://www.adminschoice.com/docs/crontab.htm covers this.

If your server has a text browser such as Lynx you can directly invoke and
execute a .php file with this if you are not into writing shell scripts. Any
output from the page can then either be directed to an email address or


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