[Phpwm] possible?

Keith Pope keith.pope at allpay.net
Thu Mar 29 08:29:21 BST 2007


You really should check out mootools ( http://mootools.net ) it makes life
so much easier you could then just do:

    alt: 'whatever dude'

It also has a great event class that gets rid of those cross-browser issues!
And has methods to bind event callbacks into proper scope.

There are other JS Libs out there and I have evaluated most of them, I like
mootools as it doesn't try to do too much for you just provides help ways of
working with cross-browser JS.

Notable ones would be:

Jquery ( http://jquery.com/ )
Mochikit ( http://www.mochikit.com/ )

Bloated ones ( my opinion, some cool features )

YUI ( http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/ )
Dojo ( http://dojotoolkit.org/ )

And finally there is:

Prototype ( http://www.prototypejs.org/ ) - One of the original JS libs
was/is bundled with rudy-rails but started to lack ongoing dev, may still
get better in the future. 

Size with JS is always an issue, mootools is very lightweight and you can
build your downloads to only include the stuff you need.

Also check out mod-gzip / mod_deflate using these can cut your sizes down

Keith Pope
Web Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Phil Beynon
Sent: 27 March 2007 16:10
To: Phpwm at Mailman. Lug. Org. Uk
Subject: [Phpwm] possible?

Hi all,

Is it possible, client side via javascript, to dynamically alter the text in
an image's 'alt' or 'title' attribute based upon the change a user makes in
the contents of an unsubmitted form text field?

I've just spent a bit of time on it and can't get anywhere at all with it!


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