[Phpwm] sql server 2005

Jujhar Singh jujhar at medilinkwm.co.uk
Tue Oct 30 13:01:13 GMT 2007

I use PHP5 on IIS 6 with SQL server 2005 for our main applications at work.

It works a treat.  I use the adodb abstraction library (which I prefer over PEAR's db and mdb) with the standard mssql.dll included in php.ini.  You will have to get the latest ntwdblib.dll from your sql server installation and drop it on top of the one in your PHP installation.

You might performance is ok (it could be better, I think that MYsql has the edge in that respect) 

I had to fart around a bit with date formats and stuff, and you can't use SQL server's currency fields but otherwise it's great.

I gave it a quick go trying to use Zend's Db abstraction library but didn't have much luck, need to investigate further.

If you need any pointers and source code, then please ask.


Jujhar Singh
IT Manager

Medilink West Midlands
5 Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BE
0121 452 5630 phone 0121 454 2325 fax

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