[Phpwm] Zend Studio issue

Dave Holmes dave at neteffekt.co.uk
Wed Apr 9 13:30:08 BST 2008

Zend Studio for Eclipse   ---->    clunky

That's a bit of an understatement Pete, I perceived with it for a couple of
months before downgrading because it was simply not usable on my system
which is no entry level machine, dual core 2 gigs of ram etc. 

Some of the hassles I had.

- code folding going mental and crashing the IDE
- IDE locking for no apparent reason (restart 3 or so times aday)
- Debugging dog slow in comparison with 5.5 
- SLOOOW always building projects, validating etc (even when options turned
- Waiting 10 minutes for a file to save while it "building" something is not
a joke 

They have a very long way to go with this project to make it usable.... 

And what exactly is eclipse doing to chew up around 500MB of memory 

-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of pete graham
Sent: 09 April 2008 11:58
To: West Midlands PHP User Group
Subject: [Phpwm] Zend Studio issue

I have been using Zend Studio 5.5 for development on Windows. Recently
the interface has started flickering every so often, this is
incredibly annoying when you're trying to concentrate. I don't seem to
be able to find a way to stop it happening, any ideas? I think maybe
its to do with my version of Java 1.6.0_05.

This prompted me to install the new version: Zend Studio for Eclipse.
I find it a bit clunky, maybe because I'm not used to it, for example
there doesn't seem to be a nice simple find in files utility like in
Zend Studio 5.5. Also most of the useful features seem to really on
you having to set up a project, which is a pain when you work on lots
of different projects.

Pete Graham

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