[Phpwm] [OT] Contacts with Business Links

Daniel Davies daniel at sitedesign.net
Fri Jun 6 10:18:40 BST 2008

Not something I deal with personally, but my employers do a lot of work 
with Business Link, mostly getting funding for our client's websites. 
They refer quite a bit of start-up business our way too which is handy. 
They are certainly worth being friendly with, I don't know the exact 
details but over 50% of the funding for sites seems quite common. I 
imagine telling clients we can get their projects funded by business 
link with no serious amount of effort on their behalf can be a real 
contract winner.

Peter Crouch wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a bit off topic but I have been contacted by someone from 
> Business Link West Midlands wanting to promote their services to the 
> local members of the British Computer Society.  I have no experience 
> of Business Link and their services and I wondered if any of you 
> running your own businesses had had any contact with your local 
> Business Link and if so what you thought of them.
> Thanks for any information you can give me.
> Peter Crouch
> -------------------------------------------------
> Tel:   0121 523 6756
> Email: pccrouch at bcs.org.uk
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