[Phpwm] PHP Image Manipulation
Dave Holmes
dave at neteffekt.co.uk
Fri Nov 21 16:07:17 UTC 2008
Hi Pete,
We have done a bit with images in our systems allowing people to upload
images into the e-commerce application and then scale them to fit,
this code might be helpful as a wrapper around GD
class image_manipulation extends core_item
# Path and name of image file to transform
public $sourceFile;
# Path and name of transformed image file
public $targetFile;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method
# Width, in pixels, to resize the image to
# the property will not be taken into account if is set to -1
# default is -1
public $resizeToWidth;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method
# Height, in pixels, to resize the image to
# the property will not be taken into account if is set to -1
# default is -1
public $resizeToHeight;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method
# while resizing, image will keep it's aspect ratio if this
property is set to TRUE, and only one of the
# {@link resizeToWidth} or {@link resizeToHeight} properties is
set. if set to TRUE, and both
# {@link resizeToWidth} or {@link resizeToHeight} properties are
set, the image will be resized to maximum width/height
# so that neither one of them will exceed given width/height
while keeping the aspect ratio
# default is TRUE
public $maintainAspectRatio;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method
# image is resized only if image width/height is smaller than
the values of
# {@link resizeToWidth}/{@link resizeToHeight} properties
# default is TRUE
public $resizeIfSmaller;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method
# image is resized only if image width/height is greater than
the values of
# {@link resizeToWidth}/{@link resizeToHeight} properties
# default is TRUE
public $resizeIfGreater;
# Available only for the {@link resize} method and only if the
{@link targetFile}'s extension is jpg/jpeg
# output quality of image (better quality means bigger file size).
# range is 0 - 100
# default is 75
public $jpegOutputQuality;
# in case of an error read this property's value to find out
what went wrong
# possible error values are:
# *
# * - 1: source file could not be found
# * - 2: source file can not be read
# * - 3: could not write target file
# * - 4: unsupported source file
# * - 5: unsupported target file
# * - 6: available version of GD does not support target
file extension
# *
# * default is 0
public $error;
# Class constructor
function image_handler()
# Sets default values of the class' properties
# We need to do it this way for the variables to have
default values PHP 4
# public properties
$this->error = 0;
$this->jpegOutputQuality = 75;
$this->resizeIfGreater = true;
$this->resizeIfSmaller = true;
$this->maintainAspectRatio = true;
$this->resizeToHeight = -1;
$this->resizeToWidth = -1;
$this->targetFile = "";
$this->sourceFile = "";
# This function will decode the error code to provide a sensible
message for the integer value
# this will allow the classes descended from this image library
to extract the information they require
function get_image_error_message($error_code)
# Return the appropriate error message
if ($error_code == 1) return 'source file could not be found';
if ($error_code == 2) return 'source file could not be read';
if ($error_code == 3) return 'could not write target file';
if ($error_code == 4) return 'unsupported source file';
if ($error_code == 5) return 'unsupported target file';
if ($error_code == 6) return 'available version of GD does
not support target file extension';
# returns an image identifier representing the image obtained
from sourceFile and the image's width and height
function create_image_from_source_file()
# performs some error checking first
# if source file does not exists
if (!file_exists($this->sourceFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 1;
return false;
# if source file is not readable
} elseif (!is_readable($this->sourceFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 2;
return false;
# if target file is same as source file and source file is
not writable
} elseif ($this->targetFile == $this->sourceFile &&
!is_writable($this->sourceFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
# get source file width, height and type
# and if founds a not-supported file type
} elseif (!list($sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight,
$sourceImageType) = @getimagesize($this->sourceFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 4;
return false;
# if no errors so far
} else {
# creates an image from file using extension dependant
# checks for file extension
switch ($sourceImageType) {
# if gif
case 1:
# the following part gets the transparency color
for a gif file
# this code is from the PHP manual and is written by
# fred at webblake dot net and webmaster at
webnetwizard dotco dotuk, thanks!
$fp = fopen($this->sourceFile, "rb");
$result = fread($fp, 13);
$colorFlag = ord(substr($result,10,1)) >> 7;
$background = ord(substr($result,11));
if ($colorFlag) {
$tableSizeNeeded = ($background + 1) * 3;
$result = fread($fp, $tableSizeNeeded);
$this->transparentColorRed =
ord(substr($result, $background * 3, 1));
$this->transparentColorGreen =
ord(substr($result, $background * 3 + 1, 1));
$this->transparentColorBlue =
ord(substr($result, $background * 3 + 2, 1));
# -- here ends the code related to transparency
# creates an image from file
$sourceImageIdentifier =
# if jpg
case 2:
# creates an image from file
$sourceImageIdentifier =
# if png
case 3:
# creates an image from file
$sourceImageIdentifier =
# if file has an unsupported extension
# note that we call this if the file is not gif,
jpg or png even though the getimagesize function
# handles more image types
$this->error = 4;
return false;
# returns an image identifier representing the image
obtained from sourceFile and the image's width and height
return array($sourceImageIdentifier, $sourceImageWidth,
#Creates a target image identifier
function create_target_image_identifier($width, $height)
# creates a blank image
$targetImageIdentifier = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
# if we have transparency in the image
if (isset($this->transparentColorRed) &&
isset($this->transparentColorGreen) && isset($this->transparentColorBlue)) {
$transparent =
imagecolorallocate($targetImageIdentifier, $this->transparentColorRed,
$this->transparentColorGreen, $this->transparentColorBlue);
imagefilledrectangle($targetImageIdentifier, 0, 0,
$width, $height, $transparent);
imagecolortransparent($targetImageIdentifier, $transparent);
# return target image identifier
return $targetImageIdentifier;
# creates a new image from a given image identifier
function output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier)
# get target file extension
$targetFileExtension = strtolower(substr($this->targetFile,
strrpos($this->targetFile, ".") + 1));
# image saving process goes according to required extension
switch ($targetFileExtension) {
# if gif
case "gif":
# if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagegif")) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
# if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagegif($targetImageIdentifier,
$this->targetFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
# if jpg
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
# if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagejpeg")) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
# if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagejpeg($targetImageIdentifier,
$this->targetFile, $this->jpegOutputQuality)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
case "png":
# if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagepng")) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
# if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagepng($targetImageIdentifier,
$this->targetFile)) {
# save the error level and stop the execution of
the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
# if not a supported file extension
# save the error level and stop the execution of the
$this->error = 5;
return false;
# and return true
return true;
# Resizes the image given as {@link sourceFile} and outputs the
resulted image as {@link targetFile}
# while following user specified properties, TRUE on success,
FALSE on error.
# If FALSE is returned, check the {@link error} property to see
what went wrong
function resize()
# tries to create an image from sourceFile and continues if
operation was successful
if (list($sourceImageIdentifier, $sourceImageWidth,
$sourceImageHeight) = $this->create_image_from_source_file()) {
# if aspect ratio needs to be maintained
if ($this->maintainAspectRatio) {
# calculates image's aspect ratio
$aspectRatio =
$sourceImageWidth <= $sourceImageHeight ?
$sourceImageHeight / $sourceImageWidth :
$sourceImageWidth / $sourceImageHeight;
$targetImageWidth = $sourceImageWidth;
$targetImageHeight = $sourceImageHeight;
# if width of image is greater than resizeToWidth
property and resizeIfGreater property is TRUE
# or width of image is smaller than resizeToWidth
property and resizeIfSmaller property is TRUE
if (
($this->resizeToWidth >= 0 && $targetImageWidth
> $this->resizeToWidth && $this->resizeIfGreater) ||
($this->resizeToWidth >= 0 && $targetImageWidth
< $this->resizeToWidth && $this->resizeIfSmaller)
) {
# set the width of target image
$targetImageWidth = $this->resizeToWidth;
# set the height of target image so that the
image will keep its aspect ratio
$targetImageHeight =
$sourceImageWidth <= $sourceImageHeight ?
$targetImageWidth * $aspectRatio :
$targetImageWidth / $aspectRatio;
# saves the got width in case the next section
wants to change it
$lockedTargetImageWidth = $targetImageWidth;
# if height of image is greater than resizeToHeight
property and resizeIfGreater property is TRUE
# or height of image is smaller than resizeToHeight
property and resizeIfSmaller property is TRUE
if (
($this->resizeToHeight >= 0 &&
$targetImageHeight > $this->resizeToHeight && $this->resizeIfGreater) ||
($this->resizeToHeight >= 0 &&
$targetImageHeight < $this->resizeToHeight && $this->resizeIfSmaller)
) {
# set the width of target image
$targetImageHeight = $this->resizeToHeight;
# set the width of target image so that the
image will keep its aspect ratio
$targetImageWidth =
$sourceImageWidth <= $sourceImageHeight ?
$targetImageHeight / $aspectRatio :
$targetImageHeight * $aspectRatio;
# if maximum width was already set but has
changed now
if (
isset($lockedTargetImageWidth) &&
$targetImageWidth > $lockedTargetImageWidth
) {
# adjust the height so that the width
remains as set before
while ($targetImageWidth >
$lockedTargetImageWidth) {
$targetImageWidth =
$sourceImageWidth <=
$sourceImageHeight ?
$targetImageHeight / $aspectRatio :
$targetImageHeight * $aspectRatio;
# if aspect ratio does not need to be maintained
} else {
$targetImageWidth = ($this->resizeToWidth >= 0 ?
$this->resizeToWidth : $sourceImageWidth);
$targetImageHeight = ($this->resizeToHeight >= 0 ?
$this->resizeToHeight : $sourceImageHeight);
# prepares the target image
$targetImageIdentifier =
# resizes image
$sourceImageIdentifier, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetImageWidth,
$targetImageHeight, $sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight);
# writes image
return $this->output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier);
# if new image resource could not be created
} else {
# return false
# note that we do not set the error level as it has been
already set
# by the create_image_from_source_file() method earlier
return false;
# Flips horizontally the image given as {@link sourceFile} and
outputs the resulted image as {@link targetFile}
# returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error. If FALSE is
returned, check the {@link error} property to see what went wrong
function flip_horizontal()
# tries to create an image from sourceFile and continues if
operation was successful
if (list($sourceImageIdentifier, $sourceImageWidth,
$sourceImageHeight) = $this->create_image_from_source_file()) {
# prepares the target image
$targetImageIdentifier =
# flips image horizontally
for ($x = 0; $x < $sourceImageWidth; $x++) {
$sourceImageIdentifier, $x, 0, $sourceImageWidth - $x - 1, 0, 1,
# writes image
return $this->output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier);
# if new image resource could not be created
} else {
# return false
# note that we do not set the error level as it has been
already set
# by the create_image_from_source_file() method earlier
return false;
# Flips vertically the image given as {@link sourceFile} and
outputs the resulted image as {@link targetFile}
# returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error. If FALSE is
returned, check the {@link error} property to see what went wrong
function flip_vertical()
# tries to create an image from sourceFile and continues if
operation was successful
if (list($sourceImageIdentifier, $sourceImageWidth,
$sourceImageHeight) = $this->create_image_from_source_file()) {
# prepares the target image
$targetImageIdentifier =
# flips image vertically
for ($y = 0; $y < $sourceImageHeight; $y++) {
$sourceImageIdentifier, 0, $y, 0, $sourceImageHeight - $y - 1,
$sourceImageWidth, 1);
# writes image
return $this->output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier);
# if new image resource could not be created
} else {
# return false
# note that we do not set the error level as it has been
already set
# by the create_image_from_source_file() method earlier
return false;
# Rotates the image given as {@link sourceFile} and outputs the
resulted image as {@link targetFile}
# this method implements PHP's imagerotate method which is
buggy. an improved version of this method should be available soon
# returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error. If FALSE is
returned, check the {@link error} property to see what went wrong
function rotate($angle, $bgColor)
# tries to create an image from sourceFile and continues if
operation was successful
if (list($sourceImageIdentifier, $sourceImageWidth,
$sourceImageHeight) = $this->create_image_from_source_file()) {
# rotates image
$targetImageIdentifier =
imagerotate($sourceImageIdentifier, $angle, $bgColor);
# writes image
return $this->output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier);
# if new image resource could not be created
} else {
# return false
# note that we do not set the error level as it has been
already set
# by the create_image_from_source_file() method earlier
return false;
pete graham wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I was looking to use a class to do some basic image manipulation
> (resizing, converting types, cropping, etc). I haven't done anything
> like this is a while so wondered what recommendations people have. If
> it's really simple image manipulation am I best off just using the
> built in GD functions?
> Thank you, Pete
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