[Phpwm] displaying images on screen

Darren Beale public.darren.beale at siftware.co.uk
Thu Oct 2 14:43:50 UTC 2008

> Thanks so far - I didn't get all the question correct! We agree about
> how to put the image to the page. The problem (I now understand) is
> that
> we want to show it as a pop-up within an existing page, so the header
> line is already set: content="text/html; "

Save the file out to the file system and then <img src='/location/file.jpg'

Alternatively use a separate PHP script to the image work and pass params to
it from your template, it's this file that would need the header being
correctly set

e.g. <img src='/imageCreator.php?type=jpg&foo=bar' />


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