[Phpwm] displaying images on screen

Simon Ferre simon.ferre at onetwodo.co.uk
Thu Oct 2 16:30:45 UTC 2008


What you need to do is have the code which rotates the image in its own php
file, and on the page which displays the image, have it as a image tag
within the html, like this:

<img src="/path/to/code/displayrotated.php?filename=blah&rotation=90">

What you will then do, in your separate displayrotated.php code is parse the
parameters, load the image, rotate it and output it as you were going to do.

Hopefully, being within the <img> tag should make sure the image is returned
and parsed correctly.

Simon Ferre

-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of alan dunn
Sent: 02 October 2008 15:29
To: West Midlands PHP User Group
Subject: Re: [Phpwm] displaying images on screen

Thanks so far - I didn't get all the question correct! We agree about
how to put the image to the page. The problem (I now understand) is that
we want to show it as a pop-up within an existing page, so the header
line is already set: content="text/html; "

What this does is cause the image to display as text.

thanks again, alan

BinaryKitten wrote:
> alan dunn wrote:
>> This probably has an easy answer, but we haven't found it.
>> We have an archive of jpeg images. We want to open one using GD library
>> $im1 = imagecreatefrom jpeg($pathname.$filename);
>>  rotate it:
>> $im1 = imagerotate($im1,-90,0);           .... and display it on screen.
>> How do we get to display the image which is now represented by resource
>> $im1?
>> We know you can do it by saving the rotated image back to somewhere then
>> displaying the saved image - but that's a lot of overhead just to show a
>> temporarily rotated image.
>> Any help much appreciated, thanks, Alan Dunn
> as you've created a jpeg resource, you will need to output the header
> that you are ouputing a jpeg instead of the standard html.. to do this
> use the following snippet:
> header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
> then call upon the imagejpeg function passing $im1 to it like so:
> imagejpeg($im1);
> you can also save to a file if you want, again using hte imagejpeg
> imagejpeg($im1, "/path/filename.jpg")
> as well as choose the quality level you want to ouput
> imagejpeg($im1, null,(0-100))  // Output to screen @ quality level
> imagejpeg($im1, "/path/filename.jpg", (0-100))
> // Output to file @ quality level
> the default quality level is 75.
> Finally don't forget to call imagedestroy($im1) afterwards to clean up
> the memory...
> Kat
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