[Phpwm] Hi

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 09:33:14 UTC 2009

j michaelson wrote :
> Hi. My name is John Michaelson and I've just joined this mailing list.
> I'm a complete php beginner, my brother does website design and he
> suggested I take a look at it since I've done bash scripting in the
> past. I've set up an apache server on my laptop with a public_html
> folder in my home directory and got hello_world.php to work.
> I'm interested in learning to work with php and mysql databases, so
> I'm thinking of getting a book on the subject. Amazon's got quite a
> few and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations.
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=php+mysql&x=0&y=0
> I'd like to come along to the social on tuesday if that's ok.

Everyone is welcome to meetings - there's no special
handshake/payment/whatever required - aside from you paying for
whatever you eat/drink.

If you're happy to wait, I can probably bring a book or two along
which you'd be welcome to - but they might be slightly old (although
this shouldn't really matter)

David Goodwin 

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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