[Phpwm] Sagepay Direct integration - PCI Compliance

Andy Cowan andy at w4.co.uk
Fri Nov 6 16:57:22 UTC 2009

Several issues/experiences spring to mind:

1. AFAIR PCI compliance is not the compulsory thing it's being made out 
to be much of the time - effectively it's a liability shift, like with 
chip and pin, and a revenue earning opportunity, as the card companies 
push merchant to people to security testers like SecurityMetrics for 
compliance. In all the cases that we've dealt with so far, badly 
informed bank sales staff have scared our merchants into paying for 
Security Metrics when they really didn't need it. Worldpay have issues 
of their own, just look at the security issues they've had this year...

2. However, despite this, it's not that hard to acheive PCI compliance - 
depnding on whether you run your own servers (dedicated or VPS) or 
whether your host bothers with it. It can however be a pain with some 
OS' - Windows/Centos/Redhat sping to mind (for entirely different 
reasons). We have to ensure all our servers are PCI compliant and once 
they are compliant, keeping them there isn't too much of a chore.

3. There are easy ways round if you want to play the system - I know of 
at least one customer who is compliant because what is actually being 
scanned in the load balancer in front of his windows machines, not the 
servers themselves. Not strictly within the spirit, but definitely 
passes SecurityMetrics scans..

I think that your analysis that they are going to push e-commerce into a 
tighter and tighter corner is probably correct, but I think then that 
the onus on providing that 'corner' is going to fall on the hosting 
companies - I imagine that if I was to offer PCI compliant hosting, 
you'd be interested in having me deal with that for you? It's a function 
of the hosting environment I think...


On 06/11/2009 16:21, Bronwen Reid wrote:
> Hello,
> Andy's right - integration with Sagepay direct is fairly okay, and the 
> online examples are useful.
> However, something I've been looking at recently is PCI DSS 
> compliance.  Sagepay mention this, but don't emphasis it; Worldpay ask 
> for a Payment Card Industry Data Security (PCI DSS) Vulnerability Scan 
> before they let people use the XML direct transfers (their equivalent 
> of the sagepay direct model)
> But I think PCI compliance going to become more and more of an issue - 
> credit card companies are making great efforts to tighten up on 
> security and this seems to involve pushing e-commerce into a very 
> restrictive environment where solutions like paypal or google checkout 
> will be the norm.
> Has anyone got any experiences here, good or bad?
> Gavin Kimpson wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I've done Sagepay integrations in the past with no issues but these
>> have usually been using the more simple 'Form' approach, however this
>> time I would like to build an integration with Sagepay Direct. Does
>> anyone know of any pre-built classes that perform Sagepay Direct
>> integration as I'd prefer to not use an entire pre-built eCommerce
>> system like Magento.
>> Thanks in advance
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