[Phpwm] PHP Website load times in Firefox

Mike Tipping mike at etuna.co.uk
Fri Oct 2 10:09:18 UTC 2009

The page that is loading is very minimal, generally just a logo and login
form. It does include Mootools and my own small JS library but those should
be cached after the first load. So I don't think it's an issue with
downloading resources.

I did wonder if it might be connecting to the DB as the top of the page
includes the mysql_connect and mysql_select_db, but if that was slow it
would be slow for everyone as the server would be holding things up.



On 2/10/09 10:37, "Dave Holmes" <dave at neteffekt.co.uk> wrote:

> Mike,
> My guess would be JavaScript especially in complex web applications, the
> browser sequentially downloads the files to avoid problems with
> dependencies where as all of the other content is downloaded via
> multiple connections. If you look at the net tab in firebug you will see
> this behaviour.
> Minimise the number of files and apply JS compression this will result
> in dramatic improvements.
> Browser caching of the JS will mean this only occurs on first load of
> your site.
> Dave
> Mike Tipping wrote:
>> Several of the sites I've built and manage seem to take an age to initially
>> load. These sites seem to be those that require a login so the delay is the
>> initial login screen which should just be checking to see if there is a user
>> in the session and displaying the login screen. Sometimes they load OK but
>> often enough to be annoying they take an age.
>> I was thinking this could be a delay on the server side but if while I'm
>> waiting for the site to load, I open the same site is Safari on the same
>> computer it often loads straight away.
>> I haven't had any clients complain about slow load times but I have a
>> colleague who uses Safari most of the time and does get slow load times.
>> Does anyone know of any issues with Firefox and checking session variables
>> or tools that would tell me what the browsers is doing while I'm staring as
>> a blank screen.
>> Cheers
>> Mike
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