[Phpwm] PHP Website load times in Firefox

Alex Mace alex at hollytree.co.uk
Fri Oct 2 10:30:42 UTC 2009

It could be database related, but without any figures to go on I think  
we're all just guessing. You need to use something like the Net tab in  
Firebug or YSlow or Google Page Speed or seige etc, etc, so you can  
actually get some raw figures to test your changes against so you can  
identify the source of the problem. Otherwise you're just groping  
around in the dark.


On 2 Oct 2009, at 11:04, Mike Tipping wrote:

> The page that is loading is very minimal, generally just a logo and  
> login
> form. It does include Mootools and my own small JS library but those  
> should
> be cached after the first load. So I don't think it's an issue with
> downloading resources.
> I did wonder if it might be connecting to the DB as the top of the  
> page
> includes the mysql_connect and mysql_select_db, but if that was slow  
> it
> would be slow for everyone as the server would be holding things up.
> Cheers
> Mike
> On 2/10/09 10:37, "Dave Holmes" <dave at neteffekt.co.uk> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> My guess would be JavaScript especially in complex web  
>> applications, the
>> browser sequentially downloads the files to avoid problems with
>> dependencies where as all of the other content is downloaded via
>> multiple connections. If you look at the net tab in firebug you  
>> will see
>> this behaviour.
>> Minimise the number of files and apply JS compression this will  
>> result
>> in dramatic improvements.
>> Browser caching of the JS will mean this only occurs on first load of
>> your site.
>> Dave
>> Mike Tipping wrote:
>>> Several of the sites I've built and manage seem to take an age to  
>>> initially
>>> load. These sites seem to be those that require a login so the  
>>> delay is the
>>> initial login screen which should just be checking to see if there  
>>> is a user
>>> in the session and displaying the login screen. Sometimes they  
>>> load OK but
>>> often enough to be annoying they take an age.
>>> I was thinking this could be a delay on the server side but if  
>>> while I'm
>>> waiting for the site to load, I open the same site is Safari on  
>>> the same
>>> computer it often loads straight away.
>>> I haven't had any clients complain about slow load times but I  
>>> have a
>>> colleague who uses Safari most of the time and does get slow load  
>>> times.
>>> Does anyone know of any issues with Firefox and checking session  
>>> variables
>>> or tools that would tell me what the browsers is doing while I'm  
>>> staring as
>>> a blank screen.
>>> Cheers
>>> Mike
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