[Phpwm] WordPress

John Howes vr at volresource.org.uk
Tue Feb 2 14:50:29 UTC 2010

An added advantage for me on WordPress is WordPress.com - the small
charities and community groups that I come into contact with can set up a
site with little help, at little or no cost and then run it themselves. (Was
setting one up this morning with a complete novice)

 If they develop (grow in size or sophistication) they can move to using the
full own hosted software, plugins and themes from wordpress.org without
starting from scratch. (That move is theoretical - I've done one or the
other but no transition between the two as yet)

John Howes

Key websites managed: MalvernTrail www.malverntrail.co.uk, VolResource
www.volresource.org.uk, VoluntaryNews www.voluntarynews.org.uk, Transition
Malvern Hills http://transitionmalvernhills.org.uk 

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